1000 से भी ज्यादा फूल फॉर्म्स, A To Z Full Form, All Full Form List, Full Forms List, A to Z Full Form list
VAT - Value Added Tax
VCFs - Venture Capital Funds
VCP - Village Credit Plan
VDB - Ventilated Disc Brake
VDBS - Vertically Differentiated Banking System.
VGA - Video Graphics Array
VGT - Variable Geometry Turbocharger
VHSIC - Very High Speed Integrated Circuit
VHDL - VHSIC (Very High Speed Integrated Circuit) Hardware Description Language
VHF - Very High Frequency
VIP - Vines Internet Protocol
VIRUS - Vital Information Resources Under Seize
VIRUS - Vital Information Resource Under Seized
VISA - charta visa, lit in Latin
VLC - VideoLAN Client
VNT - Variable Nozzle Turbine
Vodafone - From Voice, Data, Telefone
VOIP - Voice Over Internet Protocol
Volkswagen - From The German For People’s Car
Volvo - From The Latin Word Volvo, Which Means “ I Roll ”
VPA - Virtual Payment Address
VPI - Virtual Path Identifier
VRS - Voluntary Retirement Scheme
VTVT - Variable Timing Valve Train
VUB - Vseobecmi Uverova Banka
VVT/VTEC - Variable Valve Timing
VVTI - Variable Valve Timing with intelligence
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