1000 से भी ज्यादा फूल फॉर्म्स, A To Z Full Form, All Full Form List, Full Forms List, A to Z Full Form list
S.I. Engine - Spark Ignition Engine
SAARC - South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation
SACs - Settlement Advisory Committees
SAE - Society of Automotive Engineers
SAMIS - Strategic Asset Management Information System
Samsonite - Named From The Biblical Character Samson, Renowned For His Strength
Samsung - Meaning Three Stars In Korean
SARFAES - Securities and Reconstruction of Financial and Enforcement of Security Interest
SARFAESI - Securitization and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest
SARS - Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
SATA - Serial Advanced Technology Attachment
SBI - State Bank of India
SCB - Scheduled Commercial Bank
SCC - Selective Credit Control.
ScrLk - Scroll Lock
SD - Secure Digital
SDBS - Service Discharge Benefit Scheme
SDM - Sub Divisional Magistrate
SDR - Special Drawing Rights
SDS - Special Deposit Scheme
SEBI - Securities and Exchange Board of India
SENSEX - Stock Exchange Sensitive Index
SEO - Search Engine Optimization
SEPA - Single Euro Payment Area.
SEPUP - Self-Employment Programme For Urban Poor
SEZs - Special Economic Zones
SFC - Specific Fuel Consumption
SFCs - State Financial Corporations
SFLR - Sorry, for late Reply
SFMS - Structured Financial Messaging Services
SGB - Sovereign Gold Bond
SGSY - Swarnajayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojana
SHG - Self Help Group
SHGs - Self-Help Groups
SHO - Station House Officer
SIDBI - Small Industries And Development Bank Of India.
SIDC - State Industrial Development Corporation
SIFI - Systematically Important Financial Intermediaries
SIM - Subscriber Identity Module
SIP - Systematic Investment Plan
SIPS - Systemically Important Payment System
SIS - Symbian Os Installer File
SIT - Special Investigation Team
SJSRY - Swarna Jayanthi Shahari Rozgar Yojana
SKU - Stock Keeping Unit
SLA - Service Level Agreement
SLBC - State-Level Bankers’ Committee
SLR - Statutory Reserve Ratio
SLRS - Scheme for Liberation and Rehabilitation of Scavengers
SME - Small and Medium Industries
SMERA - SME Rating Agency of India Limited
SMILE - SIDBI Make in India Loan for small Enterprises
SMO - Social Media Optimization
SMPS - Switched-Mode Power Supply & Switching Mode Power Supply
SMS - Short Message Service
SMSC - Gateway Mobile Switching Center
SMTP - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
SOHC - Single Over Head Camshaft
SONAR - Sound Navigation and Ranging
SONY - Sound Of New York.
SP - Service Pack
SP - Service Pack
SPNS - Shared Payment Network System.
SPOM - Self-Programmable One-Chip Microcomputer
Spy - Special Purpose Vehicle
SQL - Structured Query Language
SRS - Supplemental Restraint System
SSB - Service Selection Board
SSC - Secondary School Certificate, Staff Selection Commission
SSI - Small Scale Industries
SSIDC - State Small Industries Development Corporation
SSLC - Secondary School Leaving Certificate
SSSBE - Small Scale Service and Business Enterprises
STD - Subscriber Trunk Dialing, Sexually Transmitted Diseases
STF - Short-Term Finance
STP - Straight -Through Processing
SUV - Sport Utility Vehicle
Suzuki - From The Name Of Its Founder, Michio Suzuki
SWIFT - Society For Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication
SWAT - Special Weapons and Tactics
SWF - Shock Wave Flash
SWIFT - Society For World Wide Inter Bank Financial Telecommunication.
SYS - System
SYSRQ - System Request
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