1000 से भी ज्यादा फूल फॉर्म्स, A To Z Full Form, All Full Form List, Full Forms List, A to Z Full Form list
HCL - Hindustan Computers Limited
HCV - Heavy Commercial Vehicle
HDFC - Housing Development Finance Corporation
HDMI - High Definition Multimedia Interface
HFCs - Housing Finance Companies
HHOJ - Ha Ha, Only Joking
HHOK - Ha Ha, Only Kidding
HHVF - Ha Ha, Very Funny
HITACHI - Old place name, literally “ sunrise”
HLR - Home Location Register
hmm - Thinking
HMT - Hindustan Machine Tools
HONDA - From the name of its founder, Soichiro Honda.
HP - Hewlett Packard
HPFC - Himachal Pradesh Financial Corporation
HSBC - Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation
HSC - Higher Secondary Certificate & Higher Secondary School Certificate
HSDPA - High Speed Downlink Packet Access
HTC - High Tech Computer
HTML - Hyper Text Markup Language & Hyper Text Transfer Protocol.
HTTPS - Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure
HUDCO - Housing and Urban Development Corporation
HVAC - Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning
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