1000 से भी ज्यादा फूल फॉर्म्स, A To Z Full Form, All Full Form List, Full Forms List, A to Z Full Form list
EA - Electronic Arts
EADB - East African Development Bank.
EB - Exa Byte
eBay - Orgin from “ Echo Bay
EBD - Electronic Brakeforce Distribution
EBRD - European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
EBRT - External Beam Radiation Therapy
EBV - Epstein - Barr virus
EC ENGINE - External Combustion Engine
ECB - External Commercial Borrowings.
ECC - Excise Control Code
ECD - European Central Bank
ECG - Electrocardiogram
ECS - Electronic Clearing System.
ED - Enforcement Directorate
EDF - Export Development Fund
EDGE - Enhanced Data for Global Evolution
EDGE - Global System For Mobile Communication] Evolution
EDI - Electronic Data Internchange
EDP - Electronic Data Processing
EEE - Electrical and Electronics Engineering
EEFC - Exchange Earners’ Foreign Currency
EEPROM - Electronic Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
EFT - Electronic Funds Transfer
EFTPOS - Electronic Funds Transfer At Point Of Sale
EGR - Exhaust Gas Recirculation
EIB - European Investment Bank.
EiB - Exbi Byte
EIR - Equipment Identity Register
EJB - Enterprise Java Bean
ELSS - Equity Linked Saving Scheme.
E-Mail - Electronic Mail
EMI - Equated Monthly Installment
ENIAC - Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator
EOD - End of the Day
EPFO - Employee Provident Fund Organization
EPOS - Electronic Point Of Sale
EPS - Earning per Share
EPSON - Named from “Son of Electronic Printer”
ERICSSON - Named after its founder Lars Magnus Ericsson
ERP - Enterprise Resource Planning
ESC - Electronic Stability Control
Esc - Escape
ESI - Employees State Insurance
ESMR - Enhanced Specialized Mobile Radio
ESOP - Employee Stock Options
ESPN - Entertainment and Sports Programming Network
ETA - Estimated Time of Arrival
ETACS - Extended TACS
ETDMA - Extended Time Division Multiple Access
ETFs - Exchange Traded Funds
EVRV - Electronic Vacuum Regulator Valve
EXIM - Export Import Bank of India.
EXIM Bank - Export Import Bank of India
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